Alaska Trip 2006

Last Updated - September 24, 2006

Trip Preparations

Trip Itinerary

Fuel Cost - Includes towing and non-towing.

Campground Types - The types of campgrounds we stayed at and their average fees.

Trip Statistics and Favorites

Dining and Entertainment Ratings

Map Showing Trip Route

Detailed Alaska Trip Description

4/28 to 5/17 Virginia Beach, VA to Durango, CO
5/18 to 5/31 Durango, CO to Page, AZ
6/ 1 to 6/15 Page, AZ to Great Falls, Montana
6/16 to 6/28 Great Falls, Montana to Tok, Alaska
6/29 to 7/17 Inside Alaska
7/18 to 7/28 Inside Alaska (part 2)
7/29 to 8/9 Haines, Alaska to Great Falls, Montana

Trip Summary - Doug

Trip Summary - Carol

RV Suspension Repair